My Story
As a child, when acting rambunction or uncooth, you may have faced the remark, "Were you raised in a barn?". While most children would shirk, a widely precocious smile would stretch across my face as I would proudly reply, "Yes, I was."
I grew up in a converted carriage house. Only a slightly more refined term for a barn.
About two hundred years ago, my family's street served only to distinguish one farm from the next. While the farm land no longer exists, Rabbit Hill serves as an homage to the land's origins.
Covered with perhaps more ivy than paint, the carriage house stands proudly in its rumbly tumbly glory, neverfailing in representing a simpler time, a more organic way of life.
It is this spirit that I aim to capture and convey in
Autumn Elise Vintage.
With each thoughtfully chosen object you will discover an ever more thoughtfully woven story. My deepest and most sincere of hopes is that these stories may inspire one of your own.